Complete Health Foundation - CHF

A brief history

Complete Health Foundation was established in 2018 as a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to promoting health among people living in Malawi through primary health care and public awareness that leads to informed understanding and decision making in prevention of Non communicable diseases (NCDs).

Our Vision

A Malawi where all persons are well aware of, and are able to make informed decisions on prevention of Non communicable diseases (NCDs) so as to stay healthy.

Our Mission

The increase and diffusion of knowledge on prevention and management of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) among people living in Malawi.


What we value governs what we do, why we do it and how we do it. The values we embrace are manifested in our daily activities, on decision making and even in our interaction with communities in Malawi. Complete Health Foundation is guided by the following core values:

Integrity and Ethics

We do our work the greatest responsibility and accountability in the right manner, in an honest and fair way.


We are committed to excellence.


We partner and collaborate with other organizations to address health needs of the community and add value to the health care system.


We provide a creative and dynamic leadership to facilitate and improve community awareness on diet related NCDs.


We approach and interact with all people with dignity and respect.


We honour our heritage by being socially and financially responsible.

Our Services

Primary and secondary prevention of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Implementation research on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Our Team

Complete Health Foundation (CHF) has a diverse team of nutrition and health professionals who are well trained and qualified in providing food and nutrition advice in relation to Non communicable diseases.


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